Resolutions for my 21st bday

It's funny how I never really thought of myself as a full-grown adult; though I know at least I'm a woman compared to the sec one kids I see in the bus stop with stunted boob growth.


I guess you could call this my quarter-life crisis: I am 21, jobless, broke and kinda without any direction to go. Sure, I've got a NUS scholarship and all that, but still I kinda know that I'll end up jobless with my psychology degree. LOLs...

Some of my friends my age are WAY ahead in terms of planning, and I'm here living one meal at a time. Seriously, my consciousness lasts 1 meal because most of my thoughts go to: "what am I gonna cook today? Where am I gonna get the cheapest ingredients?" And still I wonder why I am so fat.

In my recent class gathering, I realised that I have come a long way to a 'failure' in life: 80% of my classmates are doctors and lawyers and Cambridge or Oxford scholars, and then there's ME. It's not that I regret putting Medicine as my third choice on the NUS application form - which on hindsight makes no sense at all- and putting Psychology as my first. I don't even regret taking Psychology because heck, it's the most interesting shit I've done since my first French class.

But now I'm 21 and totally, totally going nowhere. Ok, perhaps somewhere like in 2 years when I graduate from NUS... Oh wait, where was I...

So the point is, I guess I should start doing some planning or internships or something instead of lazing at home and making Brioche from scratch or feeding the stray cats in my neighbourhood.


So here are my resolutions for my 21st bday: (instead of wishes which sure aren't gonna be fulfilled by themselves or by the Lord Buddha himself)

1. Volunteer more of my time at Rainbow Center (and maybe, just maybe ask for a job-shadowing)

2. Sign up for elderly care volunteering in Le Havre (I swear French old people are the sweetest coz I've met two of them in my last exchange trip)

3. Lose body fat

My current body fat percentage of 30.6% puts me at risk of shame and guilt - shame because my bf is there to look at the weighing scale and guilt because I'm there to watch him watch me. Anyways, surely it isn't so hard to cut out my after-lunch dessert and after-breakfast dessert to just perhaps a after-dinner dessert. AHH DESSERT. DESSERTS spelled backwards is STRESSED. (read that off a cover)

4. Get some abs

And by that I don't mean going to the gym or anything - it's so expensive and humiliating to gym outside of my house; instead, I'm gonna be a cheapo and gym on my yoga mat at home.

5. Learn to clean my house

As Betty Friedan rightfully pointed out, being a housewife is a shit-end job - even more shit-end than my working in a dodgy restaurant because you get no pay and you are not allowed to write crap about your boss which also happens to be your sex-supplier. Anyways, in order to liberate my maman from housework in this life, instead of her after-life or after-after-life, I shall try to do like half of the housework and get extra pocket money for that. HEHE what a deal

6. Freelance while in Le Havre

Maybe I could get some tuition job and teach Chinese to little impressionable children... Or I could be a nanny... or I could be a Chinese-teaching nanny. Who knows, maybe that pair of Chanel ballet flats aren't too much of a dream after all!

7. Make a very pretty pouch for Meng and Charm <3 nbsp="" p="">

8. Take really pretty zipais

I swear I am too humble... like really I am. I may sound as though I'm the most zilian person of Singapore but my instagram says otherwise. I too want to take those photos where you stand under a really nice tree - and praying that no ghost enters your photo- and where your hair flies in the wind. Ahhhhhhhhh ... why can't my hair grow faster. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY



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